Monday, February 13, 2012

NASM Example 3: Input an array and sort it

; See the first example if you have doubts in the undocumented parts of this example.

section .data
welcome:        db      "Input the size of the array; Input q to quit"
w_len:          equ     $ - welcome
in_msg:         db      0xa, "Enter N: "
im_len:         equ     $ - in_msg
num_msg:        db      "Enter the numbers", 10
nm_len:         equ     $ - num_msg
out_msg:        db      "Sorted array: "
om_len:         equ     $ - out_msg

section .bss
n_str:          resb    4
num_str:        resb    4
num_arr:        resd    64

section .text
        global _start
        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     eax,4
        mov     ebx,1
        int     0x80
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     eax,3
        mov     ebx,0
        int     0x80
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        mov     ebx,eax
        shl     eax,2
        add     eax,ebx
        shl     eax,1
        pop     ebx

        push    edx
        push    ecx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     ecx,10
        div     ecx
        mov     ebx,edx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx

        push    ebx
        mov     eax,0
        mov     ebx,0
        call    xTen
        push    edx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     dl,byte[ecx+ebx]
        sub     dl,0x30
        add     eax,edx
        pop     edx
        inc     ebx
        cmp     byte[ecx+ebx],0xa
        jle     .return
        cmp     ebx,edx
        jge     .return
        jmp     .loopStr
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,0
        push    0
        call    byTen
        add     ebx,0x30
        push    ebx
        cmp     eax,0
        jg      .loopDiv
        mov     ebx,0
        pop     eax
        cmp     eax,0
        je      .loopFill
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .loopStr
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],al
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopStr
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .return
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],0
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopFill
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

sortN:  ;ebx=address of the array of numbers, ecx=array size(>0)
        ;Array gets sorted descending order.
        ;Equivalent C program (a = array; n = length):
        ; i=n;
        ; do {
        ;     i--;
        ;     j=i;
        ;     do {
        ;         j--;
        ;         if (a[i]>a[j])
        ;             swap(a[i],s[j]);
        ;     } while(j>0);
        ; } while (i>1);
        push    eax
        push    esi ;esi and edi are used here like eax, ebx etc.; Nothing special!
        push    edi
        mov     edi,ecx
        shl     edi,2
        sub     edi,4
        mov     eax,dword[ebx+edi]
        mov     esi,edi
        sub     esi,4
        cmp     eax,dword[ebx+esi]
        jg      .swap
        jmp     .continue
        push    dword[ebx+esi]
        push    dword[ebx+edi]
        pop     dword[ebx+esi]
        pop     dword[ebx+edi]
        mov     eax,dword[ebx+edi]
        cmp     esi,0
        jg      .loopIn
        cmp     edi,4
        jg      .loopN

        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        pop     eax

        mov     ecx,welcome
        mov     edx,w_len
        call    print
        mov     ecx,in_msg ;Ask the user for N
        mov     edx,im_len
        call    print

        mov     ecx,n_str ;Input N
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan

        cmp     byte[n_str],0x71 ;If 'q', quit
        je      .quit

        call    toInt ;get the integer N, push it, and move it to ebx
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,eax

        mov     ecx,num_msg ;Ask the user to input all numbers
        mov     edx,nm_len
        call    print

    .loopN_1: ;Input the numbers
        dec     ebx
        ;get the number and store it in [num_arr+ebx*4]
        mov     ecx,num_str
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan
        call    toInt
        mov     edx,ebx
        shl     edx,2 ;edx = edx*4
        mov     dword[num_arr+edx], eax
        cmp     ebx,0
        jne     .loopN_1 ;Note: The numbers will be stored in reverse order of input

        mov     ebx,num_arr
        pop     ecx ;pop N to ecx
        call    sortN
        mov     ebx,ecx

        mov     ecx,out_msg
        mov     edx,om_len
        call    print

    .loopN_2: ;Output the numbers
        dec     ebx
        mov     edx,ebx
        shl     edx,2
        mov     eax, dword[num_arr+edx]
        mov     ecx,num_str
        mov     edx,4
        call    toStr
        mov     byte[num_str+3],0x20 ;ascii code for space
        call    print
        cmp     ebx,0
        jne     .loopN_2 ;Note: The numbers will be printed in reverse order too

        jmp     .main_loop

        mov     ebx,0
        mov     eax,1
        int     0x80

NASM Example 2: Input an array and search for an element

; See the first example if you have doubts in the undocumented parts of this example.

section .data
welcome:        db      "Input the size of the array; Input q to quit"
w_len:          equ     $ - welcome
in_msg:         db      0xa, "Enter N: "
im_len:         equ     $ - in_msg
num_msg:        db      "Enter the numbers", 0xa
nm_len:         equ     $ - num_msg
srch_msg:       db      "Enter the number to search: "
sm_len:         equ     $ - srch_msg
out_msg0:       db      "Number was not found!"
om0_len:        equ     $ - out_msg0
out_msg1:       db      "Number was found at ",0,0,0,0 ;these last 4 bytes will be used to store the index
om1_len:        equ     $ - out_msg1

section .bss
n_str:          resb    4
num_str:        resb    4
num_arr:        resd    64

section .text
        global _start
        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     eax,4
        mov     ebx,1
        int     0x80
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     eax,3
        mov     ebx,0
        int     0x80
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        mov     ebx,eax
        shl     eax,2
        add     eax,ebx
        shl     eax,1
        pop     ebx

        push    edx
        push    ecx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     ecx,10
        div     ecx
        mov     ebx,edx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx

        push    ebx
        mov     eax,0
        mov     ebx,0
        call    xTen
        push    edx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     dl,byte[ecx+ebx]
        sub     dl,0x30
        add     eax,edx
        pop     edx
        inc     ebx
        cmp     byte[ecx+ebx],0xa
        jle     .return
        cmp     ebx,edx
        jge     .return
        jmp     .loopStr
        pop     ebx

        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,0
        push    0
        call    byTen
        add     ebx,0x30
        push    ebx
        cmp     eax,0
        jg      .loopDiv
        mov     ebx,0
        pop     eax
        cmp     eax,0
        je      .loopFill
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .loopStr
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],al
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopStr
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .return
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],0
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopFill
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

searchN:        ;eax=number to be searched, ebx=address of num_arr, ecx=arr_size(>0)
                ;Result: ecx=index of the find (-1 => not found)
        push    edx
        dec     ecx
        mov     edx,ecx
        shl     edx,2
        cmp     eax,dword[ebx+edx]
        je      .found
        cmp     ecx,0
        jne     .loopN
        mov     ecx,-1

        pop     edx

        mov     ecx,welcome
        mov     edx,w_len
        call    print
        mov     ecx,in_msg ;Ask the user for N
        mov     edx,im_len
        call    print

        mov     ecx,n_str ;Input N
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan

        cmp     byte[n_str],0x71 ;If 'q', quit
        je      .quit

        call    toInt ;get the integer N, push it, and move it to ebx
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,eax

        mov     ecx,num_msg ;Ask the user to input all numbers
        mov     edx,nm_len
        call    print

    .loopN: ;Input the numbers
        dec     ebx
        mov     ecx,num_str ;get the number and store it in [num_arr+ebx*4]
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan
        call    toInt
        mov     edx,ebx
        shl     edx,2 ;edx = edx*4
        mov     dword[num_arr+edx], eax
        cmp     ebx,0
        jne     .loopN ;Note: The numbers will be stored in reverse order of input

        mov     ecx,srch_msg ;Ask for the number to search
        mov     edx,sm_len
        call    print

        mov     ecx,num_str ;get the number to search
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan
        call    toInt

        mov     ebx,num_arr
        pop     ecx ;pop N to ecx
        push    ecx ;push N
        call    searchN ;search for eax in num_arr
        cmp     ecx,-1
        je      .not_found

        pop     eax ;pop N
        sub     eax,ecx ;eax = N - ecx ;Since the numbers were stored in reverse order
                        ;If inputs are 1,2,3,4,5; numbers={5,4,3,2,1}; searchN(4,numbers) will give 1; We want 5-1 = 4
        mov     ecx,out_msg1 ;last 4 bytes of out_msg1 = toStr(eax)
        add     ecx,om1_len
        sub     ecx,4
        mov     edx,4
        call    toStr
        mov     ecx,out_msg1 ;print the whole out_msg1
        mov     edx,om1_len
        call    print
        jmp     .main_loop

        mov     ecx,out_msg0
        mov     edx,om0_len
        call    print
        jmp     .main_loop

        mov     ebx,0
        mov     eax,1
        int     0x80

Friday, February 10, 2012

Quicksorting in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void swap(int *a, int i, int j) {
    int t;
    if (i!=j) {
        t = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = t;

int partition(int *arr, int left, int right) {
    int i, j;
    int pivot = (left + right) / 2;
    swap(arr, pivot, right);
    for (i=j=left; i<right; i++) {
        if (arr[i]<arr[right]) {
            swap(arr, i, j);
    return j;

void quickSort(int *arr, int left, int right) {
      int pivot = partition(arr, left, right);

      if (left < pivot-1)
            quickSort(arr, left, pivot-1);
      if (pivot+1 < right)
            quickSort(arr, pivot+1, right);

int main() {
    int a[100], n, i;
    ifstream num_file;"numbers.txt");
    if (num_file.is_open())
        while (!num_file.eof())
            num_file >> a[n++];
        cout << "Given array: ";
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            cout << a[i] << " ";
        quickSort(a, 0, n-1);
        cout << "\nSorted array: ";
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            cout << a[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    } else
        cout << "Error opening file!";
    return 0;

Sunday, February 5, 2012

NASM Example 1: Sum of first N natural numbers

;See NASM Documentation for reference.
;Note that this whole code is assembled and loaded into the memory (RAM) during execution.
;Every data and instruction has an address associated with it.

section .data   ;initialised data section
                ;db means 'define bytes' (There are dw, dd, dq; w = word = 2 bytes; d = double word; q = quad word)
                ;db,dw,dd,dq are pseudo-instructions which associates the address of the given data with the label
welcome:        db      "Input a number between 1 and 999; Input q to quit"
                ;equ evaluates its operand '$ - welcome' once and associates its value with the label (no addresses involved)
w_len:          equ     $ - welcome ;Reads: 'dollar minus welcome'
                                    ;'$' evaluates to the assembled position at the beginning of that line.
                                    ;'welcome' is the address of the first byte of that string
in_msg:         db      0xa, "Enter n: "        ;0xa = hexadecimal equivalent of 10 = the ascii code of line-break
im_len:         equ     $ - in_msg
out_msg:        db      "Sum: "
om_len:         equ     $ - out_msg

section .bss    ;uninitialised data section
                ;resb means 'reserve bytes' (There are also resw, resd, resq like before)
n_str:          resb    4       ;reserves 4 bytes and associates the address of the first byte with n_str
sum_str:        resb    7

section .text
                        ;we must export the entry point to the ELF linker (ld). [Executable and Linkable Format]
        global _start   ;'ld' conventionally recognize _start as their entry point.
                        ;Use `ld -e entry_point` to override the default.

                        ;RgsA =:means:= Registers Afftected

print:                  ;In:    ecx=address of the string
                        ;       edx=length of string
                        ;RgsA:  none
        push    ebx     ;push the value of ebx into the stack (Stack Pointer, esp = esp-4)
        push    eax
        mov     eax,4   ;4 is the syscall code for write
        mov     ebx,1   ;std output (terminal)
        int     0x80    ;syscall (kernel interrupt)
        pop     eax     ;loads the (last pushed) value from the stack into eax (esp = esp+4)
        pop     ebx
        ret             ;ret and call are explained later...

scan:                   ;In:    ecx=address where the input gets stored
                        ;       edx=max length of input string
                        ;RgsA:  none
        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     eax,3   ;syscall code for read
        mov     ebx,0   ;std input (terminal)
        int     0x80
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

xTen:                   ;Result: eax=eax*10
                        ;RgsA: eax
        push    ebx
        mov     ebx,eax ;ebx=eax
        shl     eax,2   ;shift left by 2 places
        add     eax,ebx ;eax=eax+ebx
        shl     eax,1
        pop     ebx

byTen:                  ;Result: eax=eax/10, ebx=eax%10
                        ;RgsA:   eax, ebx
        push    edx
        push    ecx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     ecx,10
        div     ecx
        mov     ebx,edx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx

toInt:                  ;Out:   eax=toInt(string at ecx)
                        ;In:    ecx=address of string
                        ;       edx=max length of string
                        ;RgsA:  eax
        push    ebx
        mov     eax,0
        mov     ebx,0
    .loopStr:           ;'.label' means local label. It is associated with the previous non-local label
        call    xTen    ;So this '.loopStr' can be globally accessed as 'toInt.loopStr' (rarely needed)
        push    edx     ;store edx
        mov     edx,0
        mov     dl,byte[ecx+ebx]        ;[..] means dereferencing, 'byte' tells the size of dereferenced data
                                        ; there are also word, dword and qword
        sub     dl,0x30 ;ascii code of '0'
        add     eax,edx
        pop     edx     ;restore edx
        inc     ebx     ;increment ebx by 1
        cmp     byte[ecx+ebx],0xa
        jle     .return
        cmp     ebx,edx
        jge     .return
        jmp     .loopStr
        pop     ebx

toStr:                  ;Out:   ecx=toStr(eax)
                        ;In:    eax=integer to convert
                        ;       ecx=address where string should be stored 
                        ;       edx=max length of string
                        ;RgsA:  none
        push    ebx
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,0
        push    0
    .loopDiv:                   ;repeatedly divide eax by 10 and stack up the remainders (ascii) till eax=0
        call    byTen
        add     ebx,0x30
        push    ebx
        cmp     eax,0
        jg      .loopDiv
        mov     ebx,0
    .loopStr:                   ;pop the remainders into [ecx+n] (this will be in reverse order to stacking)
        pop     eax
        cmp     eax,0
        je      .loopFill
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .loopStr        ;pop the remaining items from the stack if the number cannot fit into the string
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],al        ;Note that the value of eax, ax and al are the same until
                                        ; they are overflowed (ie. eax=256 [2^8] then al=0, ah=1, ax=2^8)
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopStr
    .loopFill:                  ;fill the remaining space in [ecx+..] with zeroes (null values)
        cmp     ebx,edx
        je      .return
        mov     byte[ecx+ebx],0
        inc     ebx
        jmp     .loopFill
        pop     eax
        pop     ebx

sumN:                   ;eax=1+2+3+...+ebx; RgsA: eax
        mov     eax,0
        push    ebx
        add     eax,ebx
        dec     ebx
        jnz     .loopN
        pop     ebx

        mov     ecx,welcome             ;the address of the string is copied to ecx
        mov     edx,w_len               ;the length of the string is copied to edx
        call    print                   ;the current instruction pointer (IP) is pushed into the stack
                                        ; and jumps to the address (instruction) associated with 'print'.
                                        ;Note: IP stores the address of next instruction to be executed.
                                        ;'ret' pops into the IP jumping to the next instruction here.
                                        ;So before 'ret' is executed, all items we pushed after the call
                                        ; statement must be popped so that the current IP itself is popped back.
        mov     ecx,in_msg
        mov     edx,im_len
        call    print

        mov     ecx,n_str
        mov     edx,4
        call    scan

        cmp     byte[n_str],0x71        ;ascii code of 'q'
        je      .quit

        call    toInt

        mov     ebx,eax
        call    sumN

        mov     ecx,out_msg
        mov     edx,om_len
        call    print

        mov     ecx,sum_str
        mov     edx,7
        call    toStr

        call    print
        jmp     .main_loop

        mov     ebx,0
        mov     eax,1
        int     0x80

;Compiling and executing:
;    nasm -f elf sum.asm
;    ld -s -o outfile sum.o
;        ;If you are using a 64-bit linux distribution, run instead
;        ;    ld -m elf_i386 -s -o outfile sum.o
;    ./outfile

NASM Docs Index


!= operator: Section 4.3.3
$ Here token: Section 3.5
$$ token: Section 3.5, Section 6.5.2
% operator: Section 3.5.6
%$ and %$$ prefixes: Section 4.6.2
%% operator: Section 3.5.6, Section 4.2.2
%+1 and %-1 syntax: Section 4.2.8
%0 parameter count: Section 4.2.4, Section 4.2.5
& operator: Section 3.5.3
&& operator: Section 4.3.3
* operator: Section 3.5.6
+ modifier: Section 4.2.3
+ operator, binary: Section 3.5.5
+ operator, unary: Section 3.5.7
- operator, binary: Section 3.5.5
- operator, unary: Section 3.5.7
..@ symbol prefix: Section 3.8, Section 4.2.2
/ operator: Section 3.5.6
// operator: Section 3.5.6
< operator: Section 4.3.3
<< operator: Section 3.5.4
<= operator: Section 4.3.3
<> operator: Section 4.3.3
= operator: Section 4.3.3
== operator: Section 4.3.3
> operator: Section 4.3.3
>= operator: Section 4.3.3
>> operator: Section 3.5.4
? MASM syntax: Section 3.2.2
^ operator: Section 3.5.2
^^ operator: Section 4.3.3
| operator: Section 3.5.1
|| operator: Section 4.3.3
~ operator: Section 3.5.7
-a option: Section 2.1.9
a16: Section 9.3, Section A.19, Section A.80, Section A.98, Section A.105, Section A.112, Section A.126, Section A.134, Section A.149, Section A.157, Section A.169
a32: Section 9.3, Section A.19, Section A.80, Section A.98, Section A.105, Section A.112, Section A.126, Section A.134, Section A.149, Section A.157, Section A.169
a86: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.2, Section 2.2.2, Section 2.2.6
AAA: Section A.4
AAD: Section A.4
AAM: Section A.4
AAS: Section A.4
ABSOLUTE: Section 5.3, Section 6.2.1
ADC: Section A.5
ADD: Section A.6
addition: Section 3.5.5
addressing, mixed-size: Section 9.2
address-size prefixes: Section 3.1
algebra: Section 3.3
ALIGN: Section 4.7.5, Section 6.1.2, Section 6.2.1
ALIGNB: Section 4.7.5
alignment, in bin sections: Section 6.1.2
alignment, in elf sections: Section 6.5.1
alignment, in obj sections: Section 6.2.1
alignment, in win32 sections: Section 6.3.1
alignment, of elf common variables: Section 6.5.4
alloc: Section 6.5.1
alt.lang.asm: Section 1.1.1, Section 1.2
ambiguity: Section 2.2.3
AND: Section A.7
a.out, BSD version: Section 6.7
a.out, Linux version: Section 6.6
aout: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.6
aoutb: Section 6.7, Section 8.2
arg: Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
ARPL: Section A.8
as86: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.1.1, Section 6.8
assembler directives: Chapter 5
assembly passes: Section 3.7
assembly-time options: Section 2.1.7
%assign: Section 4.1.2
ASSUME: Section 2.2.4
AT: Section 4.7.4
Autoconf: Section 1.3.2
autoexec.bat: Section 1.3.1
bin: Section 2.1.1, Section 2.1.2, Section 6.1
binary: Section 3.4.1
binary files: Section 3.2.3
16-bit mode, versus 32-bit mode: Section 5.1
bit shift: Section 3.5.4
BITS: Section 5.1, Section 6.1
bitwise AND: Section 3.5.3
bitwise OR: Section 3.5.1
bitwise XOR: Section 3.5.2
block IFs: Section 4.6.5
boot loader: Section 6.1
boot sector: Section 10.1.3
Borland, Pascal: Section 7.5
Borland, Win32 compilers: Section 6.2
BOUND: Section A.9
braces, after % sign: Section 4.2.7
braces, around macro parameters: Section 4.2
BSD: Section 8.2
BSF: Section A.10
BSR: Section A.10
.bss: Section 6.1, Section 6.5.1, Section 6.6, Section 6.7, Section 6.8, Section 6.9
BSWAP: Section A.11
BT: Section A.12
BTC: Section A.12
BTR: Section A.12
BTS: Section A.12
bugs: Section 10.2
BYTE: Section 10.1.1
C calling convention: Section 7.4.3, Section 8.1.2
C symbol names: Section 7.4.1
CALL: Section A.13
CALL FAR: Section 3.6
case sensitivity: Section 2.2.1, Section 4.1.1, Section 4.1.2, Section 4.2, Section 4.3.4, Section 6.2.3
CBW: Section A.14
CDQ: Section A.14
changing sections: Section 5.2
character constant: Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.2
circular references: Section 4.1.1
CLASS: Section 6.2.1
CLC: Section A.15
CLD: Section A.15
%clear: Section 4.7
CLI: Section A.15
CLTS: Section A.15
c16.mac: Section 7.4.5, Section 7.5.3
c32.mac: Section 8.1.4
CMC: Section A.16
CMOVcc: Section A.17
CMP: Section A.18
CMPSB: Section A.19
CMPSD: Section A.19
CMPSW: Section A.19
CMPXCHG: Section A.20
CMPXCHG486: Section A.20
CMPXCHG8B: Section A.21
coff: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.4
colon: Section 3.1
.COM: Section 6.1, Section 7.2
command-line: Section 2.1, Chapter 6
commas in macro parameters: Section 4.2.3
COMMON: Section 5.6, Section 6.2.1
COMMON, elf extensions to: Section 6.5.4
COMMON, obj extensions to: Section 6.2.8
Common Object File Format: Section 6.4
common variables: Section 5.6
common variables, alignment in elf: Section 6.5.4
common variables, element size: Section 6.2.8
comp.archives.msdos.announce: Section 1.2
comp.lang.asm.x86: Section 1.1.1, Section 1.2
comp.os.linux.announce: Section 1.2
comp.os.msdos.programmer: Section 7.3
concatenating macro parameters: Section 4.2.7
condition codes: Section A.2.2
condition codes as macro parameters: Section 4.2.8
conditional assembly: Section 4.3
conditional jump: Section A.89
conditional jumps: Section 10.1.2
conditional-return macro: Section 4.2.8
configure: Section 1.3.2
constants: Section 3.4
context stack: Section 4.6, Section 4.6.5
context-local labels: Section 4.6.2
context-local single-line macros: Section 4.6.3
control registers: Section A.2.1
counting macro parameters: Section 4.2.5
CPUID: Section 3.4.2, Section A.22
creating contexts: Section 4.6.1
critical expression: Section 3.2.2, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.7, Section 4.1.2, Section 5.3
CWD: Section A.14
CWDE: Section A.14
-d option: Section 2.1.7
DAA: Section A.23
DAS: Section A.23
.data: Section 6.1, Section 6.5.1, Section 6.6, Section 6.7, Section 6.8, Section 6.9
_DATA: Section 7.4.2
data: Section 6.5.3
data structure: Section 7.4.4, Section 8.1.3
DB: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3
dbg: Section 6.10
DD: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3, Section 3.4.4
debug registers: Section A.2.1
DEC: Section A.24
declaring structures: Section 4.7.3
default macro parameters: Section 4.2.4
default name: Chapter 6
default-WRT mechanism: Section 6.2.7
%define: Section 2.1.7, Section 4.1.1
defining sections: Section 5.2
design goals: Section 2.2.2
DevPac: Section 3.2.3, Section 3.8
disabling listing expansion: Section 4.2.9
DIV: Section A.25
division: Section 3.5.6
DJGPP: Section 6.4, Chapter 8
djlink: Section 7.1.1
DLL symbols, exporting: Section 6.2.5
DLL symbols, importing: Section 6.2.4
DOS: Section 1.3.1, Section 2.1.4
DOS archive: Section 1.3.1
DOS source archive: Section 1.3.1
DQ: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3, Section 3.4.4
.drectve: Section 6.3.1
DT: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3, Section 3.4.4
DUP: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.2.5
DW: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.3
DWORD: Section 3.1
-e option: Section 2.1.8
effective addresses: Section 3.1, Section 3.3, Section 3.7, Section A.2.3
element size, in common variables: Section 6.2.8
elf: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.5
elf shared libraries: Section 6.5.2
%elif: Section 4.3, Section 4.3.3
%elifctx: Section 4.3.2
%elifdef: Section 4.3.1
%elifid: Section 4.3.5
%elifidn: Section 4.3.4
%elifidni: Section 4.3.4
%elifnctx: Section 4.3.2
%elifndef: Section 4.3.1
%elifnid: Section 4.3.5
%elifnidn: Section 4.3.4
%elifnidni: Section 4.3.4
%elifnnum: Section 4.3.5
%elifnstr: Section 4.3.5
%elifnum: Section 4.3.5
%elifstr: Section 4.3.5
%else: Section 4.3
e-mail: Section 1.2
EMMS: Section A.26
endproc: Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
%endrep: Section 4.4
ENDSTRUC: Section 4.7.3, Section 5.3
ENTER: Section A.27
environment: Section 2.1.11
EQU: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.7
%error: Section 4.3.6
error messages: Section 2.1.4
EVEN: Section 4.7.5
.EXE: Section 6.2, Section 7.1
EXE_begin: Section 7.1.2
EXE2BIN: Section 7.2.2
exebin.mac: Section 7.1.2
exec: Section 6.5.1
executable and linkable format: Section 6.5
EXE_end: Section 7.1.2
EXE_stack: Section 7.1.2
%exitrep: Section 4.4
EXPORT: Section 6.2.5
exporting symbols: Section 5.5
expressions: Section 2.1.8, Section 3.5
extension: Section 2.1.1, Chapter 6
EXTERN: Section 5.4
extern, obj extensions to: Section 6.2.7
-f option: Section 2.1.2, Chapter 6
FABS: Section A.29
FADD: Section A.30
FADDP: Section A.30
far call: Section 2.2.5, Section A.13
far common variables: Section 6.2.8
far jump: Section A.88
far pointer: Section 3.6
FARCODE: Section 7.4.5, Section 7.5.3
FBLD: Section A.31
FBSTP: Section A.31
FCHS: Section A.32
FCLEX: Section A.33
FCMOVcc: Section A.34
FCOM: Section A.35
FCOMI: Section A.35
FCOMIP: Section A.35
FCOMP: Section A.35
FCOMPP: Section A.35
FCOS: Section A.36
FDECSTP: Section A.37
FDIV: Section A.39
FDIVP: Section A.39
FDIVR: Section A.39
FDIVRP: Section A.39
FFREE: Section A.40
FIADD: Section A.41
FICOM: Section A.42
FICOMP: Section A.42
FIDIV: Section A.43
FIDIVR: Section A.43
FILD: Section A.44
__FILE__: Section 4.7.2
FIMUL: Section A.45
FINCSTP: Section A.46
FINIT: Section A.47
FIST: Section A.44
FISTP: Section A.44
FISUB: Section A.48
FLAT: Section 6.2.1
flat memory model: Chapter 8
flat-form binary: Section 6.1
FLD: Section A.49
FLDCW: Section A.51
FLDENV: Section A.52
FLDxx: Section A.50
floating-point: Section 2.2.6, Section 3.1, Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.4
floating-point, constants: Section 3.4.4
floating-point, registers: Section A.2.1
FMUL: Section A.53
FMULP: Section A.53
FNINIT: Section A.47
FNOP: Section A.54
format-specific directives: Chapter 5
forward references: Section 3.7
FPATAN: Section A.55
FPREM: Section A.56
FPREM1: Section A.56
FPTAN: Section A.55
frame pointer: Section 7.4.3, Section 7.5.1, Section 8.1.2
FreeBSD: Section 6.7, Section 8.2
FreeLink: Section 7.1.1
FRNDINT: Section A.57
FRSTOR: Section A.58
FSAVE: Section A.58
FSCALE: Section A.59
FSETPM: Section A.60
FSIN: Section A.61
FSINCOS: Section A.61
FSQRT: Section A.62
FST: Section A.63
FSTCW: Section A.64
FSTENV: Section A.65
FSTP: Section A.63
FSTSW: Section A.66
FSUB: Section A.67
FSUBP: Section A.67
FSUBR: Section A.67
FSUBRP: Section A.67 Section 1.2 Section 1.2, Section 7.1.1
FTST: Section A.68
FUCOMxx: Section A.69
function: Section 6.5.3
functions, C calling convention: Section 7.4.3, Section 8.1.2
functions, Pascal calling convention: Section 7.5.1
FXAM: Section A.70
FXCH: Section A.71
FxDISI: Section A.38
FxENI: Section A.38
F2XM1: Section A.28
FXTRACT: Section A.72
FYL2X: Section A.73
FYL2XP1: Section A.73
gas: Section 1.1.1
gcc: Section 1.1.1
general purpose register: Section A.1
GLOBAL: Section 5.5
GLOBAL, aoutb extensions to: Section 6.5.3
GLOBAL, elf extensions to: Section 6.5.3
global offset table: Section 8.2
_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_: Section 6.5.2 Section 6.5.2
GOT relocations: Section 8.2.3
GOT: Section 6.5.2, Section 8.2
..gotoff: Section 6.5.2
GOTOFF relocations: Section 8.2.2
..gotpc: Section 6.5.2
GOTPC relocations: Section 8.2.1
graphics: Section 3.2.3
greedy macro parameters: Section 4.2.3
GROUP: Section 6.2.2
groups: Section 3.6
hex: Section 3.4.1
HLT: Section A.74
hybrid syntaxes: Section 2.2.2
-i option: Section 2.1.5
%iassign: Section 4.1.2
IBTS: Section A.75
ICEBP: Section A.82
%idefine: Section 4.1.1
IDIV: Section A.76
IEND: Section 4.7.4
%if: Section 4.3, Section 4.3.3
%ifctx: Section 4.3.2, Section 4.6.5
%ifdef: Section 4.3.1
%ifid: Section 4.3.5
%ifidn: Section 4.3.4
%ifidni: Section 4.3.4
%ifnctx: Section 4.3.2
%ifndef: Section 4.3.1
%ifnid: Section 4.3.5
%ifnidn: Section 4.3.4
%ifnidni: Section 4.3.4
%ifnnum: Section 4.3.5
%ifnstr: Section 4.3.5
%ifnum: Section 4.3.5
%ifstr: Section 4.3.5
%imacro: Section 4.2
immediate operand: Section A.1
IMPORT: Section 6.2.4
import library: Section 6.2.4
importing symbols: Section 5.4
IMUL: Section A.77
IN: Section A.78
INC: Section A.79
INCBIN: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.3, Section 3.4.3
%include: Section 2.1.5, Section 2.1.6, Section 4.5
include search path: Section 2.1.5
including other files: Section 4.5
inefficient code: Section 10.1.1
infinite loop: Section 3.5
informational section: Section 6.3.1
INSB: Section A.80
INSD: Section A.80
INSTALL: Section 1.3.2
installing: Section 1.3.1
instances of structures: Section 4.7.4
INSW: Section A.80
INT: Section A.81
INT01: Section A.82
INT1: Section A.82
INT3: Section A.82
integer overflow: Section 3.5
intel number formats: Section 3.4.4
INTO: Section A.83
INVD: Section A.84
INVLPG: Section A.85
IRET: Section A.86
IRETD: Section A.86
IRETW: Section A.86
ISTRUC: Section 4.7.4
iterating over macro parameters: Section 4.2.6
Jcc: Section A.89
Jcc NEAR: Section 10.1.2
JCXZ: Section A.87
JECXZ: Section A.87
JMP: Section A.88
JMP DWORD: Section 9.1
jumps, mixed-size: Section 9.1
-l option: Section 2.1.3
label prefix: Section 3.8
LAHF: Section A.90
LAR: Section A.91
ld86: Section 6.8
LDS: Section A.92
LEA: Section A.93
LEAVE: Section A.94
LES: Section A.92
LFS: Section A.92
LGDT: Section A.95
LGS: Section A.92
LIBRARY: Section 6.9.1
licence: Section 1.1.2
LIDT: Section A.95
__LINE__: Section 4.7.2
linker, free: Section 7.1.1
Linux ELF: Section 6.5
listing file: Section 2.1.3
little-endian: Section 3.4.2
LLDT: Section A.95
LMSW: Section A.96
LOADALL: Section A.97
LOADALL286: Section A.97
local labels: Section 3.8
LODSB: Section A.98
LODSD: Section A.98
LODSW: Section A.98
logical AND: Section 4.3.3
logical OR: Section 4.3.3
logical XOR: Section 4.3.3
LOOP: Section A.99
LOOPE: Section A.99
LOOPNE: Section A.99
LOOPNZ: Section A.99
LOOPZ: Section A.99
LSL: Section A.100
LSS: Section A.92
LTR: Section A.101
%macro: Section 4.2
macro library: Section 2.1.5
macro processor: Chapter 4
macro-local labels: Section 4.2.2
macro-params: Section 2.1.10
macros: Section 3.2.5
make: Section 1.3.2
makefiles: Section 1.3.1, Section 1.3.2
Makefile.unx: Section 1.3.2
man pages: Section 1.3.2
MASM: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.2, Section 3.2.5, Section 6.2
memory models: Section 2.2.5, Section 7.4.2
memory operand: Section 3.1
memory references: Section 2.2.2, Section 3.3, Section A.1
Microsoft OMF: Section 6.2
misc subdirectory: Section 7.1.2, Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
mixed-language program: Section 7.4
mixed-size addressing: Section 9.2
mixed-size instruction: Section 9.1
MMX registers: Section A.2.1
ModR/M byte: Section A.2, Section A.2.3
modulo operators: Section 3.5.6
MOV: Section A.102
MOVD: Section A.103
MOVQ: Section A.104
MOVSB: Section A.105
MOVSD: Section A.105
MOVSW: Section A.105
MOVSX: Section A.106
MOVZX: Section A.106
MS-DOS: Section 6.1
MS-DOS device drivers: Section 7.3
MUL: Section A.107
multi-line macros: Section 2.1.10, Section 4.2
multiplication: Section 3.5.6
multipush macro: Section 4.2.6
nasm.1: Section 1.3.2
NASM version: Section 4.7.1
__NASMDEFSEG: Section 6.2
nasm.exe: Section 1.3.1
nasm -h: Section 2.1.2
__NASM_MAJOR__: Section 4.7.1
__NASM_MINOR__: Section 4.7.1
nasm.out: Section 2.1.1
nasmw.exe: Section 1.3.1 Section 1.3.1
nasm-X.XX.tar.gz: Section 1.3.2 Section 1.3.1
ndisasm.1: Section 1.3.2
ndisasm.exe: Section 1.3.1
ndisasmw.exe: Section 1.3.1
near call: Section 2.2.5, Section A.13
near common variables: Section 6.2.8
near jump: Section A.88
NEG: Section A.108
NetBSD: Section 6.7, Section 8.2
new releases: Section 1.2
noalloc: Section 6.5.1
nobits: Section 6.5.1
noexec: Section 6.5.1
.nolist: Section 4.2.9
NOP: Section A.109
NOT: Section A.108
`nowait': Section 2.2.6
nowrite: Section 6.5.1
number-overflow: Section 2.1.10
numeric constants: Section 3.2.1, Section 3.4.1
-o option: Section 2.1.1
o16: Section 9.3, Section A.126, Section A.134
o32: Section 9.3, Section A.126, Section A.134
.OBJ: Section 7.1
obj: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.2
object: Section 6.5.3
octal: Section 3.4.1
OF_DBG: Section 6.10
OF_DEFAULT: Section 2.1.2
OFFSET: Section 2.2.2
OMF: Section 6.2
omitted parameters: Section 4.2.4
one's complement: Section 3.5.7
OpenBSD: Section 6.7, Section 8.2
operands: Section 3.1
operand-size prefixes: Section 3.1
operating system, writing: Section 9.1
operating system: Section 6.1
operators: Section 3.5
OR: Section A.110
ORG: Section 6.1.1, Section 7.2.1, Section 7.2.2, Section 10.1.3
orphan-labels: Section 2.1.10, Section 3.1
OS/2: Section 6.2, Section 6.2.1
OUT: Section A.111
out of range, jumps: Section 10.1.2
output file format: Section 2.1.2
output formats: Chapter 6
OUTSB: Section A.112
OUTSD: Section A.112
OUTSW: Section A.112
overlapping segments: Section 3.6
OVERLAY: Section 6.2.1
overloading multi-line macros: Section 4.2.1
overloading, single-line macros: Section 4.1.1
-p option: Section 2.1.6, Section 4.5
PACKSSDW: Section A.113
PACKSSWB: Section A.113
PACKUSWB: Section A.113
PADDSIW: Section A.115
PADDxx: Section A.114
PAND: Section A.116
PANDN: Section A.116
paradox: Section 3.7
PASCAL: Section 7.5.3
Pascal calling convention: Section 7.5.1
passes, assembly: Section 3.7
PATH: Section 1.3.1
PAVEB: Section A.117
PCMPxx: Section A.118
PDISTIB: Section A.119
period: Section 3.8
Perl: Section 1.3.1
perverse: Section 2.1.5
PharLap: Section 6.2.1
PIC: Section 6.5.2, Section 6.7, Section 8.2
..plt: Section 6.5.2
PLT relocations: Section 6.5.2, Section 8.2.4, Section 8.2.5
plt relocations: Section 8.2.5
PMACHRIW: Section A.120
PMADDWD: Section A.121
PMAGW: Section A.122
PMULHRIW: Section A.123
PMULHRW: Section A.123
PMULHW: Section A.124
PMULLW: Section A.124
PMVccZB: Section A.125
%pop: Section 4.6, Section 4.6.1
POP: Section A.126
POPAx: Section A.127
POPFx: Section A.128
POR: Section A.129
position-independent code: Section 6.5.2, Section 6.7, Section 8.2
precedence: Section 3.5
pre-defining macros: Section 2.1.7, Section 4.1.1
preferred: Section 3.6
$prefix: Section 3.1, Section 3.4.1
pre-including files: Section 2.1.6
preprocess-only mode: Section 2.1.8
preprocessor: Section 2.1.8, Section 2.1.9, Section 3.2.4, Section 3.5.6, Chapter 4
preprocessor expressions: Section 2.1.8
preprocessor loops: Section 4.4
preprocessor variables: Section 4.1.2
primitive directives: Chapter 5
PRIVATE: Section 6.2.1
proc: Section 7.4.5, Section 8.1.4
procedure linkage table: Section 6.5.2, Section 8.2.4, Section 8.2.5
processor mode: Section 5.1
progbits: Section 6.5.1
program entry point: Section 6.2.6, Section 7.1.1
program origin: Section 6.1.1
pseudo-instructions: Section 3.2
PSLLx: Section A.130
PSRAx: Section A.130
PSRLx: Section A.130
PSUBSIW: Section A.132
PSUBxx: Section A.131
PUBLIC: Section 5.5, Section 6.2.1
PUNPCKxxx: Section A.133
pure binary: Section 6.1
%push: Section 4.6, Section 4.6.1
PUSH: Section A.134
PUSHAx: Section A.135
PUSHFx: Section A.136
PXOR: Section A.137
QBasic: Section 1.3.1
quick start: Section 2.2
QWORD: Section 3.1
RCL: Section A.138
RCR: Section A.138
rdf: Section 2.1.1, Section 6.9
RDMSR: Section A.139
rdoff subdirectory: Section 1.3.2, Section 6.9
RDPMC: Section A.140
RDTSC: Section A.141
redirecting errors: Section 2.1.4
register push: Section A.134
relational operators: Section 4.3.3
Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format: Section 6.9
relocations, PIC-specific: Section 6.5.2
removing contexts: Section 4.6.1
renaming contexts: Section 4.6.4
%rep: Section 3.2.5, Section 4.4
repeating: Section 3.2.5, Section 4.4
%repl: Section 4.6.4
reporting bugs: Section 10.2
RESB: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2, Section 3.7
RESD: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RESQ: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
REST: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
restricted memory references: Section A.1
RESW: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
RET: Section A.142
RETF: Section A.142
RETN: Section A.142
ROL: Section A.143
ROR: Section A.143
%rotate: Section 4.2.6
rotating macro parameters: Section 4.2.6
RSM: Section A.144
-s option: Section 2.1.4
SAHF: Section A.145
SAL: Section A.146
SALC: Section A.147
SAR: Section A.146
SBB: Section A.148
SCASB: Section A.149
SCASD: Section A.149
SCASW: Section A.149
searching for include files: Section 4.5
__SECT__: Section 5.2.1, Section 5.3
SECTION: Section 5.2
SECTION, elf extensions to: Section 6.5.1
SECTION, win32 extensions to: Section 6.3.1
section alignment, in bin: Section 6.1.2
section alignment, in elf: Section 6.5.1
section alignment, in obj: Section 6.2.1
section alignment, in win32: Section 6.3.1
section, bin extensions to: Section 6.1.2
SEG: Section 3.5.7, Section 3.6, Section 6.2
SEGMENT: Section 5.2
SEGMENT, elf extensions to: Section 6.2.1
segment address: Section 3.5.7, Section 3.6
segment alignment, in bin: Section 6.1.2
segment alignment, in obj: Section 6.2.1
segment names, Borland Pascal: Section 7.5.2
segment override: Section 2.2.4, Section 3.1
segment registers: Section A.2.1
segments: Section 3.6
segments, groups of: Section 6.2.2
separator character: Section 2.1.11
SETcc: Section A.150
SGDT: Section A.151
shared libraries: Section 6.7, Section 8.2
shared library: Section 6.5.3
shift command:
shift command: Section 4.2.6
SHL: Section A.152
SHLD: Section A.153
SHR: Section A.152
SHRD: Section A.153
SIB byte: Section A.2, Section A.2.3
SIDT: Section A.151
signed division: Section 3.5.6
signed modulo: Section 3.5.6
single-line macros: Section 4.1
size, of symbols: Section 6.5.3
SLDT: Section A.151
SMI: Section A.154
SMSW: Section A.155
-soname: Section 8.2.6
sound: Section 3.2.3
source code: Section 1.3.1
source-listing file: Section 2.1.3
square brackets: Section 2.2.2, Section 3.3
STACK: Section 6.2.1
standard macros: Section 4.7
standardised section names: Section 5.2, Section 6.1, Section 6.3.1, Section 6.5.1, Section 6.6, Section 6.7, Section 6.8, Section 6.9
..start: Section 6.2.6, Section 7.1.1
STC: Section A.156
STD: Section A.156
stderr: Section 2.1.4
stdout: Section 2.1.4
STI: Section A.156
STOSB: Section A.157
STOSD: Section A.157
STOSW: Section A.157
STR: Section A.158
string constant: Section 3.2.1
STRUC: Section 4.7.3, Section 5.3, Section 7.4.4, Section 8.1.3
stub preprocessor: Section 2.1.9
SUB: Section A.159
subtraction: Section 3.5.5 Section 1.2
suppressible warning: Section 2.1.10
suppressing preprocessing: Section 2.1.9
switching between sections: Section 5.2
..sym: Section 6.5.2
symbol sizes, specifying: Section 6.5.3
symbol types, specifying: Section 6.5.3
symbols, exporting from DLLs: Section 6.2.5
symbols, importing from DLLs: Section 6.2.4
.SYS: Section 6.1, Section 7.3
TASM: Section 1.1.1, Section 2.2, Section 6.2
TBYTE: Section 2.2.7
TEST: Section A.160
test subdirectory: Section 7.1.1
test registers: Section A.2.1
testing arbitrary numeric expressions: Section 4.3.3
testing exact text identity: Section 4.3.4
testing single-line macro existence: Section 4.3.1
testing the context stack: Section 4.3.2
testing token types: Section 4.3.5
.text: Section 6.1, Section 6.5.1, Section 6.6, Section 6.7, Section 6.8, Section 6.9
_TEXT: Section 7.4.2
TIMES: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.5, Section 3.7, Section 10.1.3, Section 10.1.4
TLINK: Section 7.2.2
trailing colon: Section 3.1
two-pass assembler: Section 3.7
TWORD: Section 2.2.7, Section 3.1
type, of symbols: Section 6.5.3
UMOV: Section A.161
unary operators: Section 3.5.7
underscore, in C symbols: Section 7.4.1
uninitialised: Section 3.2, Section 3.2.2
uninitialised storage: Section 2.2.7
Unix: Section 1.3.2
Unix source archive: Section 1.3.2
unrolled loops: Section 3.2.5
unsigned division: Section 3.5.6
unsigned modulo: Section 3.5.6
UPPERCASE: Section 2.2.1, Section 6.2.3
USE16: Section 6.2.1
USE32: Section 6.2.1
user-defined errors: Section 4.3.6
user-level assembler directives: Section 4.7
user-level directives: Chapter 5
VAL: Section 7.1.1
valid characters: Section 3.1
variable types: Section 2.2.3
VERR: Section A.162
version number of NASM: Section 4.7.1
VERW: Section A.162
Visual C++: Section 6.3
-w option: Section 2.1.10
WAIT: Section A.163
warnings: Section 2.1.10
WBINVD: Section A.164
Win32: Section 1.3.1, Section 2.1.1, Section 6.2, Section 6.3, Chapter 8
Windows: Section 7.1
Windows 95: Section 1.3.1
Windows NT: Section 1.3.1
write: Section 6.5.1
writing operating systems: Section 9.1
WRMSR: Section A.165
WRT: Section 3.6, Section 6.2, Section 6.5.2, Section 6.7
WRT Section 8.2.3
WRT ..gotoff: Section 8.2.2
WRT ..gotpc: Section 8.2.1
WRT ..plt: Section 8.2.5
WRT ..sym: Section 8.2.4
WWW page: Section 1.2 Section 7.1.1 Section 7.1.1 Section 1.3.1
XADD: Section A.166
XBTS: Section A.167
XCHG: Section A.168 Section 7.1.1
XLATB: Section A.169
XOR: Section A.170
